Living Your Truth: Being Fully Self Expressed

Living Your Truth: Being Fully Self Expressed

We human beings are extraordinary creatures.

Each of us is creative, resourceful, and whole despite many of the misgivings we might have about our nature. In everything we do we seek to express ourselves in some way. We yearn to be heard. We ache to feel important. We want to give, to love, and to serve.


Self-expression represents a capacity to create that lives within each of us. Our ancestors knew that when they painted on cave walls, narrating the stories which drove their lives. A key to living a happy, balanced, fulfilling life is learning to express yourself through what you do. It can be through the work you do in a service you provide for others. It can be through art you create, or through a sport you play. Yoga, meditation, music, swimming, and even parenting are forms of self-expression.

We are at our best when we can be fully self-expressed.

When we can channel our unique creativity, talents, and personality into everything we do, we will always be producing our very best work. When we are being fully self-expressed, we tend to be surrounded with the people who resonate with our message and with whom we do our best interacting.
As wonderful as it is, however, most of us are not expressing our fullest potential. Not even close. We have countless fears, obstacles, and social parameters standing between us and the people we wish we could be. Sometimes we simply don’t know what we want to express or how to do it. We often haven’t seen our hidden qualities and talents. When we are not being expressed, we feel stifled, trapped. Even when things are going really well, we tend to have the feeling that there should be something more…
We suppress the expressive parts of ourselves when we fear the consequences of expression. We might be afraid that someone will judge us and reject us. We might be pressured by friends and family into a mode of expression that isn’t a good fit for us. Many of us who are service professionals or sales people are afraid that our clients won’t resonate with our message so we’ll lose business.

It’s all true.

When we are at our best, people may judge or reject us, or we may lose clients who don’t resonate with what we do. The truth of the matter is, it’s indulgent of us to try to hang on to those people. There are plenty of folks out there who are ready and willing to hear you and work with you and befriend you when you’re being full self-expressed. The ones who don’t resonate with you are better served with someone else anyway, so maybe it’s better that they’re free to find someone with whom they can do their best work too.

Carl Jung said

“I’d rather be whole than good.” When we can get past our fears and learn to live our own lives and express our own creativity for our own good, we can serve the world and the people we love from a place of authenticity. The authentically expressed life can’t be matched, and it’s essential if you want true, lasting, healthy personal and professional relationships. Be whole.

We do our best work when we are living our truth

When we are being fully expressed. Our friends, loved ones, and clients deserve our best.
What are some of the obstacles which have prevented you from being fully expressed? How have you (or how can you) overcome them?
Visit The Adjustatorium today.

Dr. Ryan K. Marchman